Whether you’re looking to renovate your home so that you can fetch a higher selling price, or for you and your family’s personal enjoyment, renovations are always a good idea. Home renovations breathe new life into your place, making it feel like a brand new house and who doesn’t like that? What you don’t like is the fact that these renovations often cost thousands of dollars.
Quick Loans has a Home Improvement Loan a novelty, designed for the homeowner who enjoys modernization and putting time into their home.
If you are interested in Home Improvement here are a few tips on how to spend your Quick Loans Home Improvement Loan:
Update your bathrooms!
Possibly the most personal room in your house, and the most frequently used, the bathroom can always do with a little sprucing up. Some fresh paint, modern light fixtures and pipes, new tiles, a low-flow toilet will yield up to 56% higher return on the money invested into general renovations.
Expand or renovate your kitchen!
Second to the bathroom, renovating your kitchen will also yield high returns. If it is too small, expansion or renovation, relaying cabinets and appliances can spike the value of your property.
Let the wood come shining through!
Remove old carpets and have your hardwood floors redone. Hardwood floors are also very appealing to buyers.
Light on the landscape!
Be careful to keep landscaping clean and simple. Complicated landscaping may scare buyers away if it looks like too much to upkeep and they know they don’t have an aptitude for outdoor work.
All credit scores are accepted. You may use your paid out vehicle, mobile home, truck, trailer, or farm equipment as collateral for a quick loan that ranges between $1,000 and $25,000. We are renowned for our easy application, speedy processing and excellent customer service.
You’re one click away from receiving your instant approval, loan amount and payment terms.